Monday, August 2, 2010

revive 2010: day 2

9"This, then, is how you should pray:
" 'Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
11Give us today our daily bread.
12Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.'
-Jesus, matthew 6

Father of Glory, we come before you once again, praying the same prayer that your son Jesus prayed, and we are asking for Your kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. God, we are asking for the fullness of the kingdom of heaven to come to UCSD. God we know so little about heaven, so we ask that you would give us the desire to dare to dream what heaven is even like, and pray the same would come to pass on earth.

but God we know that in heaven there is no physical pain, so sickness, and no diseases. so God we are asking you to make UCSD a disease-free, pain free place. we are asking for you to pour out your Spirit in such great measures that there will be no sick people, there will be no hurt people, because when Your kingdom comes and Your people lay hands on the sick, they will be instantly healed! let UCSD be a crutch-free, headache free, pain-free zone!

God, we also know that heaven is a place free of spiritual and emotional pain. in heaven there is no depression, no brokenness or hurt. God we are asking that you would break the spirit of depression that is hovering over UCSD. we are asking you to take away the loneliness that people suffer from and fill it with Your love. may people find true community not in frats or sorrorities, but in Your body only--in Intervarsity and the communities united by Your love.

finally, God we know that in heaven, every knee bows to YOU. God i'm asking for the spirit of idolatry to be broken over UCSD. i'm asking that the spirit of debauchery, of drunkenness would be broken in the name of Jesus. i'm asking that people at UCSD will not worship academics, grades, or partying, but that You will become the only object of our worship. God, let not our campus be one that worships a stupid sungod. in fact God, would you break that statue and make it crumble and fall to the ground (the ivy on the statue is already beginning to die!). God we hate drunkenness and partying because you hate it. we hate sexual sin, promiscuity, and impurity because you despise it. God i'm asking for Your Spirit to be poured out in such great measures that people will be getting drunk not off alcohol, but off your Spirit, and that people will be dancing not at parties but because we are worshipping You. God, i'm asking for a day that library walk will not be blasting party music, but will be filled with worship, as thousands of hands are raised and knees are bowed in worship to You, the only true God. i'm asking for lecture halls, for RIMAC stadium to be filled with people worshipping You.

make it so, LORD.
God, send revival to UCSD. in the name of Jesus amen.


when you don't know how to pray, it's not a bad idea to copy Jesus. today, ask God to break open your imagination, and dare to dream what God can do at UCSD--things that are found in heaven. think about something that you think exists in heaven, and pray the same would be so at UCSD.

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