Saturday, August 7, 2010

revive 2010: day 7

I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.
Paul's prayer for the church in corinth, 1 corinthians 1:10

Father of Glory, today i bring before you your church. God i'm asking for a spirit of unity to unite your church. God i'm asking you to break down every cultural, denominational, and theological wall. that your church would fix our eyes on Jesus and unite as one body and worship together. God i'm asking that every person at UCSD who loves You would be able to work together, that as we unite, we may bring about a movement of radical love that will change the face of this campus forever.

God i bring before you Intervarsity. i thank you God for the diversity you have blessed Intervarsity with. i thank you for the cultural, ethnic, and denominational diversity you have given this fellowship. this year God, i'm asking that you will break down any walls this year within our fellowship, that your church would be filled with humility and understanding as we set aside our differences and set our eyes upon Jesus. God i'm asking that your people will be united by our passionate love for Jesus, and that would be enough. humble us, God, that we do may not worship a culture, fellowship, or an experience, but we worship a man, Jesus, and when we gather, we do not fix our eyes on the style of worship or the style of prayer, but that we will seek only for an encounter with God.

God, let Intervarsity be a place where you can meet people right where they are at. continue have favor over Intervarsity as a fellowship that is welcoming and open to reach the masses, yet has the ability speak intimately, boldly, and powerfully to every heart, regardless of denomination/spiritual background/culture. you have reminded me God, that you are a God who so loved the world, yet you encounter us and you know us intimately. thank you God, for this unique identity that you have given Intervarsity.

unite our fellowship and your church in one direction God: that we may know Your love, God, and make your love known to UCSD.


today let us pray for all christians--that our differences will not distract us from keeping our eyes on Jesus.


  1. Yes, Lord! Amen amen amen.
    Come Holy Spirit, unify us. Let us be of one heart, one mind, and one soul. Let us operate together as a united body of Christ!

  2. Lord, would we together worship you Jesus, and not a culture, a fellowship, or an experience. Amen

  3. Yes God, bring us together as one under Your holy and glorious name. Amen!
