Saturday, August 28, 2010

revive 2010: day 27

15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Revelation 3:15-16

Father today i bring before you your church--i bring before you intervarsity--and i'm asking for an awakening to arise in your people. God i'm asking for a holy dissatisfaction to burn among hearts of men and women, that we would be cut to the heart to desire greater intimacy with You and hunger for the knowledge of God. help us not to settle, help us not to be satisfied with where we are at with you. help us to burn with greater yearning fervency to have more of you.

God, help us to live a life where we'd rather die than live a lukewarm life! give us urgency, and stir in our hearts a greater passion for more of you. i'm asking for a spirit of conviction to arise in your church--convict us of the ways we have given you lip service in the place of sacrifice. convict us of the ways we have given you anything short of our all. convict us of the ways we have not given you all our worship, the ways we desire other idols--TV shows, media, popularity in the eyes of man, over you. convict us, God, would we realize how much we have lowered our standards of what we expect from you and how much we depend on you. help us to be a people of the new testament church, ones who called upon your name and where your Spirit came down in power.

God i'm asking for you to revive dead spirits--that spirits dulled by religion and ritual, programs, and our comfort zones would be revived and refreshed by the fresh wind and fresh fire of your Spirit. raise up a people who go to church desiring nothing else but to touch your heart and be touched by you--nothing short.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Lord, reignite passion in our hearts for the fullness of Your beauty, kindness, and glory. May we love with the full capacity You have given us and may we not rest until we have EVERYTHING You want for us. I pray that our hearts burn for NONE but You, Abba.
