"In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams."
-Joel, prophet of God
acts 2:17
God, today we are asking for the same power that you poured out upon those in Jerusalem, that you will pour it out upon UCSD. God we hold on to the truth that you are the same yesterday today and forever, and that you are able to do the same at UCSD as you did in Jerusalem 2000 years ago.
we pray for the fullness of what you promised. God we ask for your manifest presence to fall in a tangible way as it did on the day of pentecost. God we are asking for a tangible move of your Spirit upon your people, that with the preaching of Your word, thousands will come to faith. we are asking for your power to come upon the preaching of your word at UCSD, that your word will have same power to cut to the heart, so that thousands will repent and confess Jesus as LORD.
God i'm asking You to annoint the words of the preachers of the gospel at UCSD. i'm asking you would annoint the zero week speaker at Intervarsity and every speaker at large group with the power and conviction of Your word. would Your word bring power and authority, speak life, truth, and freedom. would Tour word speak life into dry bones. would the message of the love, power, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ bring healing and reconciliation. i'm asking for the word to come alive in bible studies, small groups, GIGs, everywhere Your word is spoken. let Your word be a living word. let it come alive.
in Jesus name amen.
today, read Acts chapter 2, the entire chapter. ask God to do the same at UCSD as He did in that chapter.
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1 Corinthians 12:4-7
ReplyDeleteNow there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
Lord unify the body of Christ at UCSD. Let us praise You in one voice, with one heart, with shared passion for Your name. Father let us fellowship with one another, with no barriers between fellowships, small groups and bible studies. Do not let the enemy have a foothold on our community!
Father we pray against jealousy, criticism, pride, complacency in your church here at UCSD. God would you not allow our differences in theology and choice of action create division in the church, but let us be Your field, Your building, like Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3.
Acts 2:7-8
And they were amazed and astonished, saying, "Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us in his own native language?"
God would you let the differences amongst fellowships and Your people allow our campus to hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, each of them in his own native language. Unify us in our uniqueness, allow each member of the body to serve you fully. Activate our gifts, the languages of our heart, so that the Spirit will move and manifest in a powerful way this year on our campus.
Lord, Father, Daddy, will you stir up a passion for unity in Jesus' name, will you move in the hearts of your children in every group and fellowship that proclaims your goodness and holy love. Let us shout your name together, as the family of Christ, to every corner of our campus and to the ends of the earth. Move, Lord! Send your Spirit of love; shekinah glory come!
Rain your good and perfect love into our hearts, Jesus. Bring us to your cross daily and let the knowledge of your love ruin us for your kingdom.
ReplyDeleteLORD, unify your church. let your church arise, unite, and become proactive. God i'm asking that your unified church would be united under passion and love for Jesus, and under His leadership, bring about radical change on this campus. God i'm asking for radical acts of love and the bold preaching of your gospel to go forth.