Friday, February 26, 2010

Holy Spirit, Come

This is similar to Eric's post below this one. Yes, things at UCSD are not right. People are legitimately afraid to be on campus. I walk around and hear people making fun of this whole situation. Two worlds are crashing together like no other. There are multiple levels to this, though. There is the physical clash between those who are hurt and those who are causing hurt. There is the spiritual clash between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan. There is the clash between care and apathy.
We cannot be apathetic because the Lord is not apathetic. Our desire as His saints is to look like Christ. Christ wouldn't ignore this, friends. He doesn't shrink back in fear or become paralyzed by confusion. Jesus was informed and He knew the Father's will. Beloveds, I call you to listen to God moreso than before. Pray for this campus like God can actually change it. The administration cannot change our hearts.
There is a lot of hurt all around. But our God is a God of restoration and unity. We are fighting a battle here. It is a spiritual battle. Darkness is right up front, but the Lord is not afraid. We are not afraid. "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Cor 10:3-5.
The Lord will strengthen us and reveal Himself to this campus if we ask Him to.
We have been outfitted for such a time as this. We have the FULL ARMOR OF GOD. (eph 6). This is a time of great darkness covering the campus. The fear is tangible, the clash is clear. But the Lord is sovereign over UCSD. I am thankful that this stuff isn't hidden anymore, because it has always been here, and now we cannot ignore it and we can pray for the Lord to take back His university. Unfortunately it had to come to something like this for me to pay attention.
Oh Christ, we need You here. It is up to us, His saints, to look like Him everywhere we go and trust the He does not remain silent and that everything that has led up to this and this event now will bring Him glory. Friends, I urge you to ask the Lord how He wants you to commit to prayer and fasting for this campus He has not forsaken. He calls each of us Hephzibah, for His delight is in each of us, and He calls our land Beulah, because He is going to come and marry us (Is 62).
This is a time where it is clear that our hope is not in future circumstance, but in the Lord. He is our hope. The enemy has been defeated. ALREADY. There is no fear in his plans because the Lord is stronger and already has claimed victory. Father, we agree with Your plans for this campus and we commit to partnering with You.

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