the day of the LORD
28 "And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.
29 Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days.
30 I will show wonders in the heavens
and on the earth,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.
31 The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.
joel 2:28-31
what if the time is now?
truth is, the time IS now. the LORD is pouring out His Spirit across the world like never before, whether you know it or not. but it is only going to increase if we pray.
whether you know it or not, the LORD is starting a prayer revolution across the world.
and it begins at UCSD.
what if we make 2010 a year of prayer?
God is going to restore the Tabernacle of David before His final return and have for Himself a House of Prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7) God’s goal is heaven on earth. What are they doing in heaven? They are doing “harp and bowl” or “worship and intercession” night and day before the throne of God (Revelation 5:8) It is worship and prayer that brings God’s presence in its fullest manifestation. This is what we are contending for on our campuses. We must have a burning passion to see 24-7 prayer & worship raised up in order to prepare our campuses to be a habitation of the Lord. Without enjoyable prayer, without steadfast intercession and lives encountering God in worship we are “toast.” We won’t last. Good fellowship meetings, Bible studies, outreach events won’t send our hell-bent student bodies into the kingdom. No! The only thing that will empower God’s Church with all BOLDNESS is a Bride that is continually standing before the King, in His presence and removed completely of fear.
None of the above is happening because they are holding nice fellowship meetings- it is happening because students are going beyond the “program” and are going after the “presence”. I’m all for fellowship and social gatherings with brothers and sisters in Christ, but not at the expense of “revival.” I would rather pray and seek God’s face for 2 hours than attend another meeting that is more focused on socializing than going after God. I may sound harsh, but I can’t help the pain & frustration I feel in my spirit. The national average of Christians on a university campus is 4% and the majority of that 4% come from Christian backgrounds. We are not reaching barely anyone on our campuses, we are simply recruiting Christians. This is not ok. We are losing the battle, but not if we give ourselves to worship and intercession. Raise up the campus houses of prayer! Contend for heaven on earth! Mobilize others, but begin with yourself, fast like Daniel fasted and pray like Elijah prayed. We don’t have tomorrow we only have today!
Without fulfilling the Great Commandment in warfare worship and dedicated intercession first, we will not be able to see an open heaven over our campuses and the great harvest released. The House of Prayer, the presence of God, is what energizes the most effective evangelism and church planting. Without the campus house of prayer going forth first, everything else will be done in the power of our flesh. This generation doesn’t need more persuasive wise words of men, they need to encounter the POWER OF GOD! It begins in establishing the groundwork in worship, fasting and prayer on a massive level.
Get ready. Pray, fast, and prepare for the greatest harvest a generation has ever seen.
taken from excerpts from jaeson ma's blog
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