Thursday, December 31, 2009

what if we prayed?

the day of the LORD

28 "And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.

29 Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

30 I will show wonders in the heavens
and on the earth,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.

31 The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD.

joel 2:28-31

what if this was more than a passage to dream about?
what if the time is now?

truth is, the time IS now. the LORD is pouring out His Spirit across the world like never before, whether you know it or not. but it is only going to increase if we pray.

whether you know it or not, the LORD is starting a prayer revolution across the world.

and it begins at UCSD.

what if we make 2010 a year of prayer?


God is going to restore the Tabernacle of David before His final return and have for Himself a House of Prayer for all nations (Isaiah 56:7) God’s goal is heaven on earth. What are they doing in heaven? They are doing “harp and bowl” or “worship and intercession” night and day before the throne of God (Revelation 5:8) It is worship and prayer that brings God’s presence in its fullest manifestation. This is what we are contending for on our campuses. We must have a burning passion to see 24-7 prayer & worship raised up in order to prepare our campuses to be a habitation of the Lord. Without enjoyable prayer, without steadfast intercession and lives encountering God in worship we are “toast.” We won’t last. Good fellowship meetings, Bible studies, outreach events won’t send our hell-bent student bodies into the kingdom. No! The only thing that will empower God’s Church with all BOLDNESS is a Bride that is continually standing before the King, in His presence and removed completely of fear.

None of the above is happening because they are holding nice fellowship meetings- it is happening because students are going beyond the “program” and are going after the “presence”. I’m all for fellowship and social gatherings with brothers and sisters in Christ, but not at the expense of “revival.” I would rather pray and seek God’s face for 2 hours than attend another meeting that is more focused on socializing than going after God. I may sound harsh, but I can’t help the pain & frustration I feel in my spirit. The national average of Christians on a university campus is 4% and the majority of that 4% come from Christian backgrounds. We are not reaching barely anyone on our campuses, we are simply recruiting Christians. This is not ok. We are losing the battle, but not if we give ourselves to worship and intercession. Raise up the campus houses of prayer! Contend for heaven on earth! Mobilize others, but begin with yourself, fast like Daniel fasted and pray like Elijah prayed. We don’t have tomorrow we only have today!

Without fulfilling the Great Commandment in warfare worship and dedicated intercession first, we will not be able to see an open heaven over our campuses and the great harvest released. The House of Prayer, the presence of God, is what energizes the most effective evangelism and church planting. Without the campus house of prayer going forth first, everything else will be done in the power of our flesh. This generation doesn’t need more persuasive wise words of men, they need to encounter the POWER OF GOD! It begins in establishing the groundwork in worship, fasting and prayer on a massive level.

Get ready. Pray, fast, and prepare for the greatest harvest a generation has ever seen.

taken from excerpts from jaeson ma's blog


Thursday, December 24, 2009

some thoughts from red moon more

soo i was trying to organize all of the nuggets of wisdom from red moon rising by pete grieg...the result is this. plus some of my own thoughts sprinkled throughout. merry christmas!

a prayer room is...

1) a place just to be with Him, to be His friend. it is a place where you can study His emotions, find comfort in His love, learn to recognize His quiet voice, seek His advice, and pour out our childish hearts to Him.

2) a place to get blessed/helped/saved/sanctified and FILLED with the Holy Spirit

3) a place of direct encounter with the LORD

4) a prayer room is first and foremost a living room--a place where the Father waits for His children to come and climb into His loving arms. It's a place where we can experience peace so that we can make peace later; a place where we can accept forgiveness so that we can live our lives as priests at work; a place where we receive our Father's acceptance so that we can love even those who laugh at us later in the day. it is where we find intimacy with Jesus, which empowers us to continue to press in.

5) a prayer room is a place for non churchgoers to come

prayer is...

1) coming to rest in constant awareness of God's presence in our lives.

2) prayer isn't about changing things out there. it is first and foremost about changing something in your heart. the most powerful thing that can happen in the place of prayer is that you yourself become the prayer. you leave the prayer room able as Jesus' hands and feet on earth. This is what it means to pray continually, to see with the eyes of Jesus and to hear with His ears with every walking moment.

3) we plead His blood over our sins and over the sins of this nation. as intercessors we stand in the gap (ezekiel 22:30), and bridge the ravine between a hurting generation and a healing God. we take the stand and cry out to the LORD, asking for mercy on the behalf of ourselves and those around us.

4) prayer isn't some giant spiritual vending machine: just put in enough money and you're guaranteed a Coke. prayer isn't a magical formula that if we say the right words, or even if we pray 24/7 that everything will go our way and we are guaranteed the world will become a happy place. rather, we pray for his kingdom to come. with 2 things in mind: 1) His will is this: for heaven to invade earth. 2) His ways are always above our ways.

we pray because...

we have come to the conclusion that He is the only solution. He is the only resolution to the pain and brokenness in our world today. we realize that the church can do nothing to bring the fullness of restoration without the Holy Spirit. therefore, because we need Him so badly, we go on our knees and ask Him to come.

we are...

a generation of lovesick worshipers that seek His face.

a broken army that marches on its knees in prayer. prophesying life into dry bones. in our weakness, He is strong

24/7 prayer is...

to cry out for mercy. for "will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night?" luke 18:7

for He delights in mercy. He is merciful, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He is a kind God. for mercy triumphs over judgment.

the beginnings are found in a room full of people coming in to participate in 24/7 prayer/worship.

it is learning to live our whole lives, twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week, in the grateful awareness of God's presence and with a desire to please Him always. prayer is not just about the contemplative moments or the moments when we consciously fire words at God.

the call to pray without ceasing is a call to remember Christ's presence continually in the subconscious as well as the conscious realms of life. the key is to maintain a rhythm, a heartbeat of disciplined prayer, in which we encounter Christ regularly, deliberately, and consciously.

the spin-off of these times, is that His presence thereby moves by a process of osmosis from the conscious into the subconscious mind. as we open the door again and again to Him he comes in day by day and eats with us, laughs with us shares with us until we acquire his mannerisms and know his very thoughts.

24/7 prayer brings Christ consciously back into the midst of our ongoing lives. it is an expression of God's only intention, which has always been to walk in continual communion with His people.
